Boar, Boar, More Boar

Finally had a day without much scheduled, figured I'd be able to play catch up... got home late last night from work in Tokyo, walked the dogs, answered some mail, crashed at 2am. First phone call came in at 7am. Boar in trap. Shot it, bled it.

Got home, thought maybe I could squeeze in a nap somewhere today, but no go. All in all had to deal with 5 boar today. Didn't get much done other than that. Well, did take Karen with me to take a peek at some trapped boar. She's been out with me and Baron a few times, and I know she hunts, but just needs as much experience as I can get her. Here she is seeing trapped boar for the first time today.

Shigeru Katoさん(@katothewalrus)がシェアした投稿 -

Nice to see that I've got a second gen hunter coming up to take Baron's place when he retires. In other news, bred Baron today to another hunter's female. Hopefully we'll have a litter in a couple months. All you hunters out there waiting for Baron pups, fingers crossed!


  1. Even though it wasn't the relaxation day you were hoping for it sounds like that was a pretty good substitute. I'm glad Karen is continuing to show promise for you!

    Best of luck with Baron, and if there happens to be a spot on the list for one of his puppies I would be more than happy to be placed there!


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